Part of the joy of summer holidays is the prospect of visiting somewhere new, but that inevitably means you don’t know anything about the area or its layout.

In this ‘Case of the Week’, our client was staying at a caravan park in Weston-super-Mare when, while walking back to her chalet, she caught her foot on a raised surface. She tripped and fell to the ground sustaining injuries to her face, neck and head.

The owner of the caravan park denied liability, but we were confident that the obstruction was a danger to pedestrians, such as our client, and we advised her to take the case to Court.

At Court, the Judge found in our client’s favour and awarded her compensation.

Karina Marriott, who acted for our client, said: “Our client was walking on a main thoroughfare at a busy caravan park. It was incumbent upon the owners of that caravan park to ensure its walkways were clear, clean and free from defects. It had not done so and it was this failure that caused our client to be injured through no fault of her own.”