About RTA's involving Untraced Drivers

Being involved in a road accident can be a very traumatic time, particularly if you were injured; however, the experience can be even worse if the person responsible for the accident leaves the scene without providing their details.

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a road traffic accident, which was not your fault, regardless of whether the responsible party provides you with their details you may be entitled to make a personal injury compensation claim.  The way in which your claim is handled may be different than normal however.

Untraced drivers can be involved in accidents with other drivers, passengers, cyclists, motorcyclists or pedestrians.

For more information about how we may be able to help you if you have been injured as a result of a hit and run accident, contact us.

How would my Hit and Run claim be dealt with?

Who would pay my Hit and Run Compensation Claim?

If the Police manage to trace the driver responsible for your accident and they have a valid insurance policy in force then Thompsons Solicitors can make your road traffic accident claim as normal to the insurance company.

If the Police manage to trace the driver responsible for your injury and they do not have a valid insurance policy in force, Thompsons Solicitors might be able to help you make a claim via the MIB through the Uninsured Driver Scheme.

If the Police do not manage to trace the driver responsible for your accident at all then your only option may be to approach the MIB directly to see if they can help you.  In cases of untraced drivers, Thompsons Solicitors can only help Trade Union members or their families via their union scheme.

If you would like to discuss your particular case in more detail to find out if we can help you with a Hit and Run compensation claim, contact us on 08000 224 224.

About the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB)

Information about how the MIB can help with a Hit and Run Claim

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) is an organisation which deals with claims for innocent members of the public who have been injured or had their property damaged by an uninsured or untraced driver. It is always an option to deal with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau directly; however, the procedure may be a complicated and lengthy one and most people prefer to have professional legal assistance with this.

If your case involves an uninsured third party, Thompsons Solicitors may be able to deal with your claim via the MIB scheme.  In cases of untraced drivers, Thompsons Solicitors can only help Trade Union members or their families via their union scheme.

To discuss your Hit and Run claim in more detail and to find out how we can help you, contact us.

Action to take after being involved in a Hit and Run Accident

What to do if you are involved in an accident with an Untraced Driver

As with all personal injury compensation claims including Hit and Run Claims, you would need to prove that another person was responsible for your personal injury (in this case, the third party driver).

To help your case, you should take names, addresses and telephone numbers of any witnesses to the accident and take photographs of the accident locus if possible. If the third party driver has no valid insurance, leaves the scene or admits to driving a stolen vehicle, you should contact the Police immediately and report the incident.

If you are intending to claim expenses such as prescription costs and travelling expenses, remember to keep receipts as evidence.

If you have been involved in an accident with an Untraced driver, contact us on 08000 224 224 to find out how we can help you with a Hit and Run Compensation Claim.