Stacey has 20 plus years’ experience specialising in industrial diseases cases from throughout the East Midlands.
Using her extensive knowledge, Stacey specialises in noise-induced hearing loss, hand arm vibration syndrome, orthopaedic and psychological injuries, COVID-19 and work related stress/bullying and harassment.
Stacey finds obtaining compensation for her clients continually rewarding, however many times she does so, and she ensures that every client is kept well informed and understands the stages a case goes through.
Away from work, Stacey enjoys spending time with her family, reading, listening to music and going to concerts.
Stacey's case experience
Secured more thank £11,000 for a Toyota employee working on the engine line, who was injured when instructed to perform a task by hand which was usually automated. As a result of performing the same task over a period of time with no job rotation - while the machine was broken - Stacey’s client suffered lateral epicondylitis requiring surgery.