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Industrial Skin Disease

If you have developed a skin disease after being exposed to a dangerous substance at work, our industrial disease specialists can help you claim compensation.

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Industrial Dermatitis Claims

Workplace irritants, such as chemicals, dusts and glues, can cause painful skin conditions, which often lead to long-term health problems.

Industrial dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a common work-related skin disease caused by exposure to a number of substances, and can include frequent contact with water. The condition causes skin inflammation and irritation. If you develop dermatitis or eczema later in life, or if your condition significantly worsens, there is a chance it could be caused by your working conditions.

Exposure to certain materials, such as latex, can also lead to hypersensitivity or an allergy to the substance, and cause painful skin conditions. Sometimes, reactions can be so severe that a worker suffers anaphylactic shock and dies.




How to protect yourself from skin disease at work

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Your employer has a duty of care towards employees and is expected to take steps to minimise the risk of its employees developing a skin disease. Before asking you to work with a product or in a particular way, or exposing you to working with a new product, your employer should evaluate whether an alternative or a safer substance could be used. If this is not possible, they should ensure you have minimal contact with the substance, for example by introducing splash guards or extractors.

You should also be provided with protective clothing to wear, such as gloves or overalls, to prevent the substance coming into contact with your skin. It is your responsibility as an employee to wear the clothing at all times and protect yourself.

If you have developed a skin disease as a result of your workplace conditions, Thompsons Solicitors’ industrial disease team can help you make a claim for skin disease compensation. For more information on making a claim, contact us on 0800 0 224 224, fill out our online claim form or request a call back.

We're here to help you

Our industrial disease experts are on hand to talk through your case and provide free, no-obligation legal advice.

After my claim, my employers changed their procedures so that staff are now adequately protected when dealing with hazardous chemicals.

Graham our skin disease client

Frequently asked questions about industrial dermatitis claims

There are different types of skin diseases you can contract at work. The most common form of work-related skin disease is industrial dermatitis, which is caused by exposure to allergens and infections. Others include contact urticarial (swelling and redness caused by direct contact with an offending substance), folliculitis, infective and mechanical skin disease and even skin cancer.

The severity of these work-related skin diseases varies widely. If you have a skin disease that has been caused by work, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. Contact our specialist team for more information.

Occupational dermatitis, also known as industrial dermatitis and eczema, is a common work-related skin disease that causes skin inflammation and irritation. It is caused by exposure to substances at work.

People who come into contact with dust, chemicals or enzymes at work without wearing protective clothing may be at risk of developing a skin disease on the exposed body parts, such as the face and hands.

Some of the professions thought to be most at risk of contracting occupational dermatitis include kitchen workers, cleaners, hospital staff, manufacturing or factory workers, hairdressers, cleaners, printers and engineers.

If you have a skin disease that was caused by your working conditions, and you are within three years of being told that it may have been related to your work, then you may be entitled to make an industrial dermatitis claim.

This depends on the details of your case. However, you can rest assured our expert lawyers will do their best to secure your dermatitis compensation in the shortest time possible.

The amount you can expect to receive from an industrial dermatitis claim varies. When calculating your skin disease compensation, several factors are considered, including the severity of your injuries and how it has affected your daily life. Our lawyers will tell you as soon as possible – often after a medical report - how much you can expect to receive if your case is successful.

Thompsons Solicitors has more than 90 years of experience in running and winning claims for people who have been injured at work. We only ever act for the injured because as a point of principle, we refuse to act for insurers or employers. Each year, we secure tens of millions of pounds in compensation for our clients and put them in touch with support groups and rehabilitation programmes that can aid their recovery.

If you have developed a work-related skin disease, our specialist lawyers are ready to help you make an occupational dermatitis claim. Contact us today on 0800 0 224 224 to discuss your case with a member of our industrial disease team. Alternatively, you can start the process by filling in our free, no-obligation online claim form or requesting a call back.