The inquiry, which will be chaired by Sir Ian Kennedy, will start gathering evidence immediately and will make recommendations to the Trust’s Board in a report that will be made publicly available. The report is expected to be completed in summer 2013.

Linda Millband, senior medical negligence solicitor at the firm, said: “The establishment of a review under a respected and independent chairman is welcome and we will play whatever role we can to ensure its success.

“The Trust’s commitment to an open enquiry with patients, many of whom will be our clients, being invited to talk about their experiences is helpful and a commitment to publish the report and learn lessons from this terrible saga is essential.

“To be effective the review must encompass all cases that have come to light wherever the procedures were carried out. That means the Spire Group must participate in the inquiry, share information with Sir Ian and commit to both learning lessons and implementing any new guidelines produced to prevent a recurrence.”

Ian Stuart Paterson worked at a number of NHS and private hospitals from 1994, including Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, which covers Good Hope, Solihull and Heartlands Hospitals and Spire Parkway (Solihull) and Spire Little Aston.

Thompsons is pursuing claims for the women who have instructed them and has set up a helpline for women who may be affected – 0800 0 224 224.