Thompsons Solicitors secured more than £1.5 million in compensation for victims of asbestos disease in May.

Thompsons’ specialist asbestos litigation team, based in offices across England and Wales, successfully concluded cases for clients affected by mesothelioma, asbestosis, diffuse pleural thickening and asbestos-related lung cancer, equating to more than £1.5 million in compensation.

Up until the 1980s, asbestos was commonly used in the manufacturing and construction industries before it was banned from importation and use in the UK. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), asbestos disease kills nearly 20 tradesmen every week.

Ian McFall, head of asbestos litigation at Thompsons Solicitors, said: “Asbestos exposure is a damning indictment of corporate negligence and despite the dangers of asbestos being widely recognised for decades, it still remains to be one of the greatest causes of work-related deaths in the UK.

“Compensation is often the only legal remedy which provides practical financial support and a sense of redress for the suffering caused to thousands of victims and families affected by asbestos-related disease.

“At Thompsons we have unrivalled experience of holding negligent employers and their insurers to account and we remain committed to supporting people affected by asbestos disease.”

“Many thanks for all your help […]and the hard work you put in. I am eternally grateful.”

Thompsons’ mesothelioma client

“Thank you very much for your advice, help, understanding and patience in making our journey easier over the past few months. So very much appreciated by us all. A big thank you, again.”