Latest research shows that high street retailers are failing to give correct advice to parents when they are buying a car seat for their child.

According to research by Good Egg Safety, an organisation which campaigns for in-car child safety, 52 out of 82 shops failed to give the correct advice to mystery shoppers. The organisation found that of the car seats they inspected in the last year 67 percent were incorrectly fitted – putting children at risk of serious injury in the event of a road traffic accident.

Good retailers obtain information about the child the car seat is intended for, including the child’s weight and height, the type of vehicle the seat will be used in, where the seat will be fitted within the vehicle, as well as showing parents how to fit the car seat.

Anthony Welsh, a serious injury solicitor based in Thompsons Solicitors’ Cardiff office, said: “For any parent, the safety of their child while travelling is paramount. Many new parents rely on the advice and knowledge of retailers when selecting and fitting their car seat, which makes these findings particularly concerning.

“The effects of a road traffic accident can be life-changing for adults and children, and it is vital that retailers and staff are fully trained to give sound advice to parents when they are purchasing a car seat. It could be the difference between a child suffering a serious injury, or even worse, if they are involved in a road traffic accident.”

Find more information about child car seat safety at