Wet weather
British motorists are often used to driving in wet weather, however, the importance of allowing extra distance when stopping is sometimes underestimated.

Wet weather means tyres have less grip so stopping distances must be at least double the distance required for stopping on dry roads. Rain and spray from other road users can also affect visibility so keep lights on, and drive at a safe pace, taking extra care around pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders.

Windy weather
High-sided vehicles are most affected by windy weather conditions, but these vehicles can also cause turbulence on the roads in high winds. Drivers and motorcyclists are urged to be mindful when overtaking a high-sided vehicle.

Allow plenty of room for all road users, reduce speed and take extra care on open stretches of road where exposure to strong winds is greater.

Ice and snow
Checking the weather forecast before setting out is essential to foresee any adverse driving conditions. Motorists should avoid driving in ice and snow unless journeys are essential.

Following simple steps will also help to prevent accidents: allow extra time for journeys, ensure all traces of ice and snow have been cleared from windows before commencing, and keep an emergency kit in case of severe delays or breakdowns.

David Robinson said: “The Christmas period can be a stressful time for road users, and increased traffic and poor weather can have disastrous consequences if motorists are not careful.

“At Thompsons Solicitors, we know only too well the potential devastating effects of road traffic accidents.

“It can be easy to forget the cardinal rules for safe driving in the midst of the stresses and excitement of the Christmas period, but a reminder of the potential dangers on the road and this safety advice will hopefully help to prevent avoidable accidents this winter.”