Brain injury survivors from violent assaults are among those who will lose out following proposals unveiled last week by Ken Clarke, Justice Secretary.

Cuts are proposed to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme, a scheme which was established to compensate victims of acts of violence, including members of our emergency services. The scheme compensates those with injuries ranging from broken bones to serious head injuries.

The Guardian newspaper reported (30 January 2012) that 12,000 victims a year claim for serious injuries under the Scheme, including brain damage. Under the Government proposals compensation is due to be cut by up to 25%.

David Robinson, a specialised brain injury solicitor from national firm Thompsons Solicitors, comments: “Cuts in compensation for brain injury survivors will further compound their suffering. Brain injury is often a hidden disability. Brain injury survivors may appear physically well on the outside but are suffering in silence with cognitive difficulties”.

David goes on: “The compensation which brain injury survivors receive is a necessity, not a lottery win. Survivors may have to cope with wage loss as a result of their brain injury and may need to seek private rehabilitation to top up on treatment the Government is squeezing out of the NHS elsewhere”.