The family of a ten year old boy who suffered a traumatic brain injury are celebrating his return to his old primary school as part of his long journey to recovery.

Adam McQuillan from Oldham was eight and a half when he was struck by a car at a pedestrian crossing in 2011 sustaining a life-changing brain injury.

Despite being told at the time of the accident to expect the worst, Adam’s family are now celebrating his return to mainstream primary education where he is re-learning to write and joins his old classmates learning to complete basic sums.

“After he was discharged from hospital, we faced an uphill struggle to secure Adam the rehabilitation and care he needed,” said Anita, Adam’s mother.

“An absolute star”

“Adam was an absolute star throughout; whenever things seemed darkest, he would just keep fighting. His boundless determination gave the family the hope and strength we needed to carry on – if he could do it, then so could we.”

Anita contacted Thompsons Solicitors to pursue a claim for compensation when it became clear that funds were needed to help Adam with his rehabilitation.

“The serious injury team at Thompsons, specifically Imogen Wetton, were a total godsend and helped us to plot a route through what was often a complicated and confusing system,” continued Anita.

“Thompsons helped us to settle a legal case for a substantial sum and we now have the financial security we need to access the best possible care and support for Adam.

“Dream come true”

“To see him return to his old school, begin to speak again and even go back to his old Cub Scout group is an absolute dream come true and is testament to the excellent medical support he now receives, as well as his relentless fight to recover.”

With the help of additional therapies funded by his damages, Adam is now able to progress and take his first steps towards independence. He has been supported by a dedicated personal assistant since January 2014, providing a vital support system to Anita and the McQuillan family.