The loss of a person’s independence can have a profound effect on their life and the lives of those people around them. The injured person may find that they struggle to do the day to day tasks they previously considered simple and are no longer able to fulfil their previous roles. This loss of independence often leads to a change in their quality of life and loss of self-esteem.

However, getting the right therapy after sustaining a serious injury can make all the difference to a person’s recovery. Occupational therapy plays a key role in helping a person regain independence after an injury and as part of this process the Occupational Therapist works closely with the injured person and their family. The Occupational Therapist works to minimise the impact of the person’s injuries on their day to day life by teaching them strategies or techniques to remediate their difficulties or to compensate for them. This in turn improves their independence and quality of life.

Occupational therapy is person-centred and goal directed, which means rehabilitation programmes are individually tailored to meet a person’s unique and specific needs and goals. This means occupational therapy can focus on a range of activities from:

• Self care – learning how to look after themselves, such as remembering to take their medication or safely getting in and out of the shower

• Household management – learning home based skills for independent living, for example, cooking, cleaning or managing their mail

• Community management – learning how to be safe and independent in the community, for example, crossing roads, using public transport, managing money or going shopping

• Work/education – providing support with beginning or returning to school, college, voluntary work or paid work

• Leisure – returning to pre-injury activities or learning new activities

Occupational Therapists can be found in a variety of sectors including the NHS, Social Services, voluntary and private sectors. If you are injured as a result of an accident which was not your fault, you may be able to access the therapies you need through your litigation claim. Your solicitor will be able to help you access the appropriate professional support.

Helen Kolster
Occupational Therapist
JS Parker