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Health and Safety News Spring 2008

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Welcome ruling on risk assessments [Health & Safety]

The law says that employers must be proactive and carry out risk assessments to identify any hazards that might exist in the workplace and evaluate the extent of the risks involved.

Safety link to pay [Other News]

Following research by the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (a voluntary association of 46 public sector pension funds), FTSE 100 companies are being asked to link directors’ pay and bonuses more closely to non-financial measures such as the safety of employees.

Construction tools [Other News]

Last year almost two million days were lost in the construction industry due to work-related ill health and nearly one million days due to accidents.

Health hazards for bakery workers [Health & Safety]

Although the occupational hazards facing bakers do not often hit the headlines, their work exposes them to a surprising number of risks.

Noise at work [Health & Safety]

Noise at work remains a problem for many employees.

Corporate Manslaughter Act [Liability]

A new law relating to corporate manslaughter comes into force this April

Safety reps [Health & Safety]

In November 2007, the government published a consultation paper called “Improving outcomes from health and safety: the call for evidence”.

Working abroad [Health & Safety]

People working outside the UK face less sympathetic laws.

Contributory negligence [Health & Safety]

Trying to prove negligence is not easy. Some employers (or more usually their insurers) will stop at nothing to avoid taking responsibility.