The claimant slipped on a bowling lane. She said there was oil on the floor. Oiling machines are used at bowling lanes but the defendant gave good evidence that the machine used to oil the bowling lanes is programmed to stop eight inches away from the foul line.

Even when the machine is lifted up and onto the next lane it does not drip oil.

Therefore, on the claimant’s evidence that her foot was just on the foul line and perhaps her toes were slightly over, it would not have been possible for her to have slipped on any oil.

The Judge felt that the warnings provided by the defendant on their leaflets, game receipts and on the lanes themselves were inadequate. However he found that the claimant had gone much further over the foul line than she had believed and that, as an experienced bowler who was aware that the lanes were slippery, she did not need these warnings.

He found no liability attached to the defendant.

Toothill -v- Hollywood Bowl, 8 August 2006, Leeds CC.

Control of asbestos regulations

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 come into force on 13 November 2006 .


Inspectors step up prosecutions

Prosecutions by health and safety inspectors have jumped more than 20 per cent since March after an internal audit by the HSE found inspectors might have been “underprosecuting”.