Charles Walton, from Leeds developed disabling lung condition pleural thickening after being exposed to asbestos working for a contractor in power stations across the UK.

Charles, 69, has received substantial compensation after his lawyers, Thompsons Solicitors, took on his case.

Charles was diagnosed with pleural thickening, a condition which has left him breathless and unable to carry out some tasks, after being exposed to asbestos working as a steel erector.

He worked for the contractor between 1958 and 1977 and his job involved pulling asbestos lagging off pipes in power stations at Kirkstall, Skelton Grange and Ferrybridge.

He said he was never given protective overalls or a dust mask to wear and was surrounded by asbestos.

Asbestos-Related Condition

He added: "I am very concerned about my diagnosis. It has come as a shock to me, as no one warned me that my health might be at risk when working with asbestos.

"I worry about my health and my ability to get around. I worry about the future and the fact that I was exposed to asbestos with no protection.

"I can no longer walk two streets away to the GP and I sit in the car when my wife and I go shopping because I cannot cope with walking around shops and carrying bags due to breathlessness."

Charles’ employer is no longer in business and were not insured. Thompsons Solicitors claimed compensation from the power stations where Charles had worked.

Marion Voss, client representative at Thompsons Solicitors, which has an office in Leeds, said: "This was a difficult case. Mr Walton was unwittingly exposed to asbestos while working in power stations. As a result Mr Walton is now debilitated in his daily life. But his employer no longer exists.

"So we pursued his claim against the occupiers of the power stations and their insurers. We are pleased we have been able to win his claim. It is only right he receives compensated for his condition."