A former employee of Shell Chemicals (UK) Limited who was exposed to asbestos at work has received more than £77,000 compensation after he developed a serious lung condition.

The 62-year-old from Manchester was diagnosed with asbestos related pleural thickening in 2008.

The condition left him suffering breathlessness and has forced him to give up his job working in an airport car parking service.

He was exposed to asbestos working as a plant operator for Shell in Carrington between 1979 and 1986.

Given no protection from asbestos

He often had to remove asbestos insulation from pipe work during routine maintenance.

He was never warned of the dangers to his future health and was not provided with any protection.

He was diagnosed with pleural thickening in July 2008 after being forced to give up work the previous Christmas.

He said the pleural thickening has left him virtually housebound and normal activities like walking and doing the garden leave him short of breath. There is also an increased chance he will go on to develop other asbestos related diseases like fatal cancer mesothelioma.

Thompsons Solicitors made claim for compensation

Following his diagnosis he contacted asbestos litigation experts Thompsons Solicitors to claim compensation. Thompsons was successful in settling the claim out of court. The settlement allows him to apply for further compensation should his condition worsen.

He said: “My condition has become so bad I can no longer work and cannot do any of the DIY jobs I used to enjoy around the house. I’m well aware that I may get asbestos related cancer which is a real fear I have to live with every day.

“The compensation has been a great help. I decided to opt for a provisional settlement in case my condition gets worse in the future. It is a relief to know if the worst happens that the choice is there. “

Steven Dickens from Thompsons Solicitors said: “Pleural thickening can be a severe and debilitating disease. The claim against Shell was vigorously defended but I was able to obtain supportive evidence from numerous witnesses who worked alongside our client. The settlement included a court order which protects the client’s right to reopen his case and claim further compensation if at any time in the future he suffers serious deterioration due to asbestos related disease.