An asbestos victims’ support group is welcoming sufferers and their families to its next meeting on Thursday, December 3, 2009.

The Dave Willcocks Asbestos Victims Support Group based in Crewe is inviting those who suffer from asbestos related disease and their families across Stoke, Staffordshire and South Cheshire area to attend the meeting at the Macmillan Centre in Leighton Hospital, Crewe.

Gill Willcocks launched the group in 2008 to provide support and information to those affected by asbestos.

The Crewe group meets bi-monthly on the first Thursday of the month at 6.30pm.

Assistance with healthcare, financial and benefits needs of people affected by asbestos

The meetings are informal and friendly being specifically focused on the healthcare, financial and benefits needs of people affected by asbestos related disease.

This is also an opportunity to meet and socialise with others who have shared similar experiences.

Meetings to date have included informal presentations by speakers providing information and advice to the group followed by time to chat over tea and biscuits.

Gill launched the group after her husband, Dave, died from asbestos related cancer mesothelioma. Dave had been exposed to asbestos for a short time as a young man whilst working at ICI Winnington.

Next meeting is on Thursday, December 3, 2009 at the Macmillan Centre in Leighton Hospital, Crewe at 6.30pm

Gill nursed and supported Dave for 12 months before finally losing him to the disease. She said during that time she became aware of the many sufferers of asbestos related disease in and around South and Mid Cheshire.

She said: “Despite the large numbers of sufferers in the area I struggled to find the support, advice and information that I so so desperately needed.

“I decided to set up a group which would provide the kind of support and advice which I felt was needed. In the last year we have been able to offer our services to other victims of asbestos related disease and their families.

“The group members now meet as friends and the meetings whilst always informative have become quite social affairs. Our door is always open to new members to help them through this difficult time in their lives.”

The Dave Willcocks Asbestos Victims Support Group will be held on Thursday, December 3, 2009 at the Macmillan Centre in Leighton Hospital, Crewe at 6.30pm.

For more information contact Gill Willcocks on 01270 254449 or Janet Finney on 08000 224 224.