The family of a woman who died after being exposed to asbestos while washing her husband’s work clothes has received a substantial sum in compensation.

Marjorie Kenna, originally from the Wirral but later lived in Norfolk, died in March 2008 from mesothelioma the cancer of the lining of the lung, following months of ill health.

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos and sufferers often die within months of diagnosis.

Mrs Kenna was exposed to the dust by her husband William who worked as an engineer for the Central Electricity Generation Board, now the responsibility of RWE NPOWER PLC.

He worked at Bromborough Power Station in the Wirral from 1953 until 1978 when he retired. He sadly passed away in 1988.

During his time at the power station he was exposed to asbestos on a daily basis and would return home with his clothes covered with the dust.

Father came home from work with asbestos dust in his hair and on his clothes

Mrs Kenna, who had one son, two grandchildren and three great grandchildren was exposed to the asbestos dust when she would shake out her husband’s clothes before cleaning them.

Her son, Anthony said: “There is little doubt when my father came home each day from work where he was exposed to asbestos he would have carried dust on his clothes and in his hair which would have contaminated the house and my mother’s clothes which hung in the same wardrobe.

“At the time we had no idea that asbestos was so dangerous. My father was oblivious to the risk he was bringing home with him.”

Anthony contacted Thompsons Solicitors following his mother’s death to find out more about pursuing a claim for compensation.

Victim of mesothelioma never worked with asbestos

Thompsons was successful in securing an out of court settlement from RWE NPOWER PLC who admitted liability.

Anthony said: “It was important for the family to raise awareness about the dangers of asbestos. My mother never worked with asbestos but she sadly developed mesothelioma through my father’s work. In this day and age it is difficult to believe that people were allowed to return home from work in clothes covered with such dangerous dust.”

Janet Finney from Thompsons Solicitors added: “Mesothelioma is a devastating disease unfortunately we are seeing more and more cases of wives, children and even grandchildren developing asbestos-related conditions after being exposed to asbestos brought home on work clothes.

“We are pleased to have been able to secure this compensation for Mr Kenna but no amount of money can ever replace the loss of a loved one.”