A cancer sufferer who was exposed to asbestos from her father’s work clothes is searching for his former workmates.

William Simpson’s daughter Barbara Larimore, 73, was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2008 after complaining to her doctor about breathlessness.

There is no cure for mesothelioma, which is caused by exposure to asbestos. Following her diagnosis she contacted asbestos compensation claims experts Thompsons Solicitors for advice.

Did you work at Leys Malleable Castings Ltd in Colombo Street, near Brunswick Grill?

Barbara believes she came into contact with asbestos through her father, William Simpson, who worked for Leys Malleable Castings Ltd in Colombo Street, near Brunswick Grill.

Mr Simpson was a bricklayer for the iron foundry from 1937 to 1969. His job involved working with asbestos products and he would come home covered in dust.

She said: “After I left home I used to help my mother to wash father’s dirty work clothes. I would stand on my parents’ back step and shake out the dust before washing them. It horrifies me now that by doing that simple thing all those years ago I was setting myself up for this disease.”

Thompsons need to hear from anyone who worked at the foundry between 1965 and 1969

Barbara, who has three children, five grandchildren and 1 great grandchild, has received chemotherapy treatment.

Barbara would like anyone who worked at Leys Malleable Castings Ltd between 1965 and 1969 to contact Thompsons Solicitors in Nottingham. They are particularly interested in anyone who can describe the working conditions at the foundry during the time Mr Simpson worked there.

Reuben Greenwood from Thompsons Solicitors said: “In order to build up an accurate picture of Mrs Larimore’s exposure to asbestos it is important we speak to anyone who can recall the working conditions at Leys Malleable Castings between 1965 and 1969.”

Anyone with any information should contact Reuben on 08000 224 224 or email enquiries@thompsons.law.co.uk.

This news story was also published by thisisderbyshire.co.uk.