A man who developed lung cancer after being exposed to asbestos in the workplace has been compensated by his former employers.

Widower, Joseph Douglas, 66, from Ellesmere Port has received £65,000 in damages after he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2004.

He was exposed to asbestos while working as a colour stillman for HH Robertson in Ellesmere Port.

The company made asbestos roofing sheets and the paint to go on them and Joseph’s job involved mixing asbestos fibres into the paint.

Never warned about the dangers of asbestos

He was never warned about the dangers of asbestos and was not provided with respiratory protection.

Joseph, who has three sons and two grandchildren, was diagnosed with cancer in 2004 and had two operations to remove malignant tumours from both his lungs.

Joseph, who was also a smoker, was told by a cancer specialist that his exposure to asbestos had more than doubled his risk of lung cancer.

Although the operations to remove both tumours were successful Joseph has been told the cancer may return. He is also at a high risk of developing secondary tumours.

Thompsons Solicitors helped him claim compensation

Joseph decided to claim for compensation after meeting Joanne Candlish, a client representative from Thompsons Solicitors who was interviewing him as a witness in an asbestos compensation claim for a former colleague.

He said: “When we were working with asbestos we were told it wasn’t dangerous because it wasn’t blue asbestos. I was making a living so I didn’t question it.”

He added: “The compensation means a lot to me. It will make life more bearable as I have now got money to help me the everyday tasks. I can’t even change the bed covers on my own anymore.”

Joanne Candlish from Thompsons Solicitors Liverpool office added: “We are pleased we have been able to succeed with this case on behalf of Mr Douglas. When I first met him I asked about the cause of his breathlessness. Given his history of asbestos exposure I was surprised to find out that this had not been investigated as a cause of his lung cancer.

“When we obtained medical evidence it confirmed that asbestos had contributed to causing his cancer. His case was not straightforward but we successfully obtained compensation on his behalf.”