A pensioner who worked with asbestos for five months has received £10,000 in compensation after he was diagnosed with a lung disease.

The 73-year-old from Torrington in Devon was exposed to asbestos while working on a demolition contract in Walsall, Birmingham for the McAlpine construction business in 1951.

He had taken the job for just a few months to earn some money after completing his National Service.

Pleural Thickening caused breathing difficulties

The man, who is now a full-time carer for his disabled wife and who does not wish to be named, was diagnosed with pleural thickening in May 2005 after he went to his doctor with breathing difficulties. The condition is not fatal.

He contacted asbestos claims specialists Thompsons Solicitors to obtain advice about compensation. The case was settled out of court by McAlpine’s insurers.

The client said: “I only worked with asbestos for a few months but got the disease over 50 years later. It makes it difficult to breathe but I just try to get on with it.

“I worry that it will get worse in the future.”

Eamonn McDonough from Thompsons Solicitors said: “Pleural thickening can be a debilitating condition.

“As a result of being negligently exposed to asbestos over half a century ago the client is now permanently disabled in his daily life. It is only right he receives compensation for his condition.”