A former British Rail employee has received substantial compensation after he was exposed to asbestos at the company’s notorious Swindon site.

Tony Rima, 65, was diagnosed with cancer mesothelioma after he was exposed to asbestos while working as a coach finisher and body maker for British Rail at its Swindon works.

Tony was diagnosed with the cancer of the lining of the lung in August this year.

He instructed asbestos claims specialists Thompsons Solicitors to pursue his case for compensation. Thompsons successfully settled the claim in just 11 weeks.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lung

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lung. It is caused by exposure to asbestos and can lie dormant for up to 40 years.

There is no cure for the disease which affects 2,000 people a year. Many sufferers have just months to live following diagnosis.

Thompsons Solicitors have pioneered a policy of striving to conclude mesothelioma compensation cases in the shortest time possible, while securing the highest amount of damages for the client.

Exposed to asbestos by British Rail

Tony, who was born in Swindon but now lives in Coldstream, was the fourth generation in his family to work for British Rail at the Swindon works.

He was exposed to blue asbestos while working in Shop 7 where he was responsible for finishing rail carriages.

He was also exposed to asbestos while repairing old carriages in Shop 24.

He said it was important to claim compensation to make sure his wife was financially secure in the future. He also wanted British Rail to take responsibility for their negligence.

He said: “I’m a fourth generation railway man but now I wish I had never been inside the place. British Rail has taken my life away. I felt extremely angry when I was diagnosed with mesothelioma and I wanted them to take responsibility. I also wanted to ensure my wife still has a reasonable standard of living when I am gone.

“I am delighted that this has been dealt with so quickly and professionally by Thompsons Solicitors. It means I can now be rest assured in the knowledge that my case is out of the way and my wife will be financially secure.

“I would urge anyone who has worked with asbestos to keep a close eye on their health.”

Specialist asbestos team

Helen Jones from Thompsons Solicitors added: “British Rail in Swindon was responsible for exposing thousands of employees to asbestos and as a result people like Mr Rima are paying the price with their lives.

“It was important that we concluded his case quickly to bring Mr Rima some peace of mind and the reassurance that his family will be financially provided for after his death.

“This result was achieved by our specialist asbestos team pushing to reduce the time the claim takes to the bare minimum while ensuring the client receives the maximum compensation.”

This news story was also published by Swindon Advertiser.