A roofer who worked with asbestos for over 20 years has been awarded over £160,000 in compensation.

Jim Kingshott of Shoreham-by-Sea received the settlement after he developed mesothelioma.

Jim, 57, was diagnosed with the cancer of the lining of the lung in December 2006 and has been told by doctors he has just months to live.

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos and there is no cure to the disease. Many patients survive just a few months following diagnosis.

Exposed to asbestos at work

Jim, who has two adult children, was exposed to asbestos while fitting roofs and ceilings for Doric Co Ltd, based in Shoreham-by-Sea. He started out as a labourer for the family firm in 1968 before being employed as a roofer until he was made redundant in 1991. Doric later went into liquidation.

Jim decided to claim for compensation after being put in touch with Thompsons Solicitors by the Charity - Action on Asbestos.

Thompsons are compensation claims specialists providing support to trade union members and people with asbestos-related disease. Mesothelioma compensation claims can be complicated and take a long time but Thompsons have established a reputation for bringing cases to a successful conclusion quickly and during the client’s lifetime.

Compensation secured after just seven months

Jim said he is pleased his compensation was secured in just seven months allowing him to have peace of mind during his illness and also to provide for his children after his death.

He said: “I would not wish this disease on anyone but Thompsons Solicitors’ work means I no longer have to worry about money. Now I know my children will be looked after in the future and I can now pay to have the things done that I can no longer do.

“Just getting up in the morning and putting my clothes on leaves me breathless. I can no longer do the garden or wash my car. I hope by telling people about the work Thompsons has carried out to help me claim compensation will make people in the same situation appreciate that support that is out there. I also hope it will help to raise awareness about industrial diseases like mesothelioma.”

Head of asbestos policy at Thompsons Solicitors, Ian McFall said: “We are pleased to have finalised this case quickly so Mr Kingshott can have the benefit of his compensation. It was important that Mr Kingshott knew his family would be financially secure.”

With no warning of the damage it could cause, our client was routinely exposed to asbestos for a significant period of his life

Helen Templeton of Thompsons Solicitors