The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has today published its first report and recommendations following its investigation into the UK’s ‘Resilience and preparedness (Module 1)’ for the pandemic.
Thompsons are instructed by the TUC which has published a press release in response:
Throughout Module 1 we have worked with the TUC to highlight the impact of long-term underfunding and staffing shortages on the capacity and resilience of public services in responding to the pandemic.
We are pleased to see the Module 1 Report reflects these key issues, stating “Issues of funding are political decisions that properly fall to elected politicians. However, it remains the case that the surge capacity of the four nations’ public health and healthcare systems to respond to the pandemic was constrained by their funding”.
We now look forward to a Labour government taking the necessary steps to implement Baroness Hallett’s recommendations and address the systemic issues identified in the Module 1 Report.
A second report into “decision-making and political governance” is expected later this year. The inquiry is due to hear evidence from September on the effect of the pandemic on healthcare systems.
The TUC is acting on behalf of its 48 member Unions and representing 5.5 million working people across the country at the inquiry. It is a designated Core Participant in Module 1 of the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry, meaning it has a significant interest in matters relating to module one on resilience and preparedness.
With support from Thompsons Solicitors, the UK’s trade unions are fighting to ensure that the Inquiry identifies the lessons to be learned to save lives and protect workers in a future pandemic.