How much compensation for losing a toe?
If you have lost a toe and the injury was not your fault our team may be able to assist you in making a claim for compensation. Whether it was the result of a workplace injury, industrial incident or through medical negligence, our team is on hand to assist.
In this article, our amputation claims solicitors look at how much compensation you might receive for losing a toe.
In this guide
- What is the compensation for losing a toe?
- Factors to consider when seeking compensation for the loss of a toe
- Settling a claim for the loss of a toe
If you have lost a toe, you may be able to claim compensation if someone was at fault for your injury. This could be your employer if they did not provide you or your work colleagues with adequate training on how to use work equipment, or did not provide you with safety shoes. It could be the fault of a hospital if they failed to spot the signs of sepsis promptly, resulting in one or more toes requiring amputation.
At Thompsons Solicitors, we are experts in claiming compensation for amputation injuries. We have a specialist amputation claims team who handles these claims with sensitivity and experience, to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
What is the compensation for losing a toe?
The compensation award for the loss of a toe depends on which toe or toes were amputated and the impact on your life.
Some people can recover relatively quickly from the loss of a little toe, whilst others experience a lot of physical pain. For others, the loss of a big toe may not only result in a long period of rehabilitation but also a potential change in their career if their balance is affected, or if long-distance walking is part of the job description.
At Thompsons Solicitors we carefully assess every amputation claim to understand its severity, any additional injuries and complexities and your circumstances. For example, you may also be experiencing nerve pain or the arthritis in your other toes or foot may have worsened because of your altered gait.
Whilst some solicitors will give you a compensation figure for the loss of a toe, we prefer to talk to you first to make sure that your injury is carefully assessed. That way our experts ensure you are adequately compensated for the pain and suffering experienced and the associated financial impact of the loss of your toe.
Factors to consider when seeking compensation for the loss of a toe
What is a reasonable compensation offer for losing a toe depends on you and your circumstances. That is why it is so important to speak to an amputation claims solicitor who has the experience to ask you the right questions so they can build up a case for maximum compensation.
The first element of your compensation for the loss of a toe is your award for ‘pain and suffering.’ The amount you will receive will depend on the severity of the amputation. For example, the loss of several toes is in a different category from losing the tip of your little toe, despite both injuries being extremely painful.
In addition to your award for pain and suffering, you also need your compensation award to cover:
- Financial losses – you may not have been paid for time off work or you may have had to pay for taxis to the hospital or other places whilst you were incapacitated or had to buy new shoes to aid your recovery
- Ongoing costs – you may need to purchase special insoles or orthotics to help with your walking or gait
- Work-related ongoing costs – if your work requires a lot of walking you may think that you cannot continue in that employment and will need to retrain to office-based work or that the injury will affect your promotion prospects. Alternatively, the amputation may have had an impact on your ability to return to a work environment operating heavy machinery, especially if the loss of toes has affected your balance or has had a psychological impact on you
At Thompsons Solicitors we take the time to work out the extent of your losses to calculate your likely compensation award to reflect the full extent of your losses and the future impact of the loss of your toe.
Settling a claim for the loss of a toe
Our amputation claims team focuses on gathering the evidence needed to prove a defendant's liability and the medical and other evidence required to ensure that you receive the best compensation for the loss of your toe. That work is necessary whether you are settling your amputation claim out of court or in personal injury proceedings.