According to the brain injury association, Headway, someone is admitted to hospital with a brain injury in the UK every 90 seconds, which means many of us are or know someone who is, living with a brain injury.
The effects of an acquired brain injury can be wide-ranging, with common symptoms including memory loss and problems sleeping. But did you know that there are a number of other symptoms that we may not associate with a brain injury?
Hidden symptoms of a brain injury
A brain injury can have an impact on a person’s life in many ways. People living with a brain injury may experience the following symptoms:
Fatigue can affect a person’s ability to do the simplest of things. People with brain injuries often have to plan their days, and sometimes their weeks, in advance to include rest to avoid overdoing it.
Mood changes
A brain injury can cause personality changes. A brain injury survivor might have been calm before their accident, but now they might become suddenly angry, which means their friends and family need to be aware of this and need to avoid triggering upset.
Poor concentration
Someone with a brain injury may find they lose concentration more easily. They can become easily distracted, especially in busy or noisy environments.
Speech issues
A person with a brain injury can find it difficult to articulate what they are saying. If their speech is slurred, this might cause other people to think they are drunk.
Balancing problems
A brain injury can affect a person’s balance and make it harder for them to walk properly. They may need to use aids to get around, or steady themselves on furniture if they become unbalanced.
A person with a brain injury can lose a lot of confidence, making them more anxious in social situations and less likely to take part in activities.
The above symptoms are well-recognised but by no means definitive. A brain injury can affect someone in a multitude of less-common ways, but it doesn’t mean they are on their own.
Support available if you or a loved one have been affected by a brain injury
If a person with a brain injury chooses to make a compensation claim, we will instruct medical and head injury experts to assess the severity of the brain injury, the impact it will have the person’s life, and what future treatment they will need. In complex cases, we can seek to secure an interim payment, which can cover urgent medical or rehabilitative costs while the case is ongoing.
Our brain injury specialists have a network of support groups who are on-hand to offer additional support to those who have been affected by a brain injury. Our close relationship with Headway means we can provide access to specialist information and advice when it comes to going through the rehabilitative process.