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We provide a range of legal guides and resources. While no substitute for advice from our experts, these guides will help you to understand your rights and navigate a claim, if you choose to progress with one.


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More Legal Services

A guide to negotiating a settlement agreement

A guide to negotiating a settlement agreement

Can you negotiate a settlement agreement? Our expert settlement agreement solicitors answer this question and more in this guide.

What is a settlement agreement?

What is a settlement agreement?

A settlement agreement is a legally binding contract made between an employer and employee.

What is a reasonable settlement agreement?

What is a reasonable settlement agreement?

What Is A Reasonable Settlement Agreement UK. Contact Thompsons Solicitors at 0330 162 6794 or by visiting our website for further information.

Does a settlement agreement need to be witnessed?

Does a settlement agreement need to be witnessed?

Does A Settlement Agreement Need To Be Witnessed. Contact Thompsons Solicitors at 0330 162 6794 or by visiting our website for further information.

Settlement Agreements and Redundancy

Settlement Agreements and Redundancy

If your employer has offered you a settlement agreement as an alternative to redundancy, you may be uncertain about which option to choose. This article explains all you need to know to help you make an informed decision.

Protest rights and laws in the UK

Protest rights and laws in the UK

Protesting is legal in the UK, but legislation introduced in 2022 means additional restrictions for people planning to organise or take part in a demonstration.

Settlement agreements and tax

Settlement agreements and tax

A settlement agreement may be subject to tax depending on the types of payments you receive as part of your settlement.

A guide to settlement agreement solicitor fees

A guide to settlement agreement solicitor fees

The cost of legal fees for settlement agreements should be covered by your employer, but some solicitors may charge extra.

Getting a job after a settlement agreement

Getting a job after a settlement agreement

Our experienced employment lawyers answer frequently asked questions about getting a job after a settlement agreement.

Guide to whistleblowing in the UK

Guide to whistleblowing in the UK

Read our legal guide to whistleblowing in the UK to find out what counts as whistleblowing and when you are protected by law.

How to legally change your name

How to legally change your name

Do you need to understand your options for changing your name? Read Thompsons Solicitors guide to learn how to legally change your name.
