Essex-born Paralympian swimmer Amy Marren has been given a boost thanks to support of Thompsons Solicitors. The firm has sponsored the 13-year-old Paralympian swimmer in her quest to win gold.

Amy was born with her right hand missing at the level of the wrist. She is hoping for a place in the 2012 Paralympic Games, and the sponsorship from Thompsons Solicitors has allowed her to buy specialist equipment and helped with transport costs for various competitions and training camps.

As experts in catastrophic and serious injuries, Thompsons Solicitors wanted to support Amy as she is a shining example of how people can persevere even when faced with adversity.

Aware of the impact a disability can have on someone’s life

Gwen Kirby-Dent, Serious Injuries expert at Thompsons Solicitors, said: “Through our work, we are very aware of the impact a disability can have on someone’s life. Amy is so full of spirit that sponsoring her was the least we could do to help her achieve her goals.”

As well as taking part in competitions and training across the UK, Amy is a member of the ‘Diamond’ programme – a project to nurture 10 young potential medallists to compete in the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Amy said: “The sponsorship from Thompsons has been a huge help as all of my training and travelling can be quite expensive.

“My schedule can be tough, but I really enjoy my swimming. My disability doesn’t stop me; in fact it makes me work harder to achieve my goals.”