Workplace transport accidents
This is the second most common cause of accidental fatalities at work. Although the common cause is forklift trucks and HGV's in loading bays, there is a high level of accidents in work car parks too.
The HSE has produced various guides such as Workplace Transport , INDG199; Reversing Vehicles INDG 148 and Safety in Working With Lift Trucks, HSG6.
The Electrical Contractors Association has published guidance on stepladder use to reduce the risk of injury in that and engineering trades. It was published with the help of AMICUS, the HSE and trade associations.
Slipping on stairs
New literature is available about assessing the risk of slipping on stairs at work:Proprietary Nosing for Non-domestic Stairs (IP15/03)
Voice loss at work
Hazards magazine (Oct/Dec 04 centre pages) has a useful article on this hazard including details of a successful case by a TSSA member who was a training instructor lecturing in noisy and dirty depots where engines were running with diesel fumes.
He was medically retired with laryngitis and received £92,000.
Railway assaults
RMT and ASLEF have made a joint call for improved staffing levels on the railway after the British Transport Police released figures showing a 14 per cent rise in assaults in the last year (8727 violent episodes March 2003/4).