Damages for tinnitus

It is not often we get specific awards for tinnitus where there is no hearing loss but in a recent case the judge considered quantum in respect of a 12 month whiplash claim and also tinnitus without any hearing loss. He awarded £2,500 for the whiplash, but on the tinnitus he awarded £5,000 saying that the previous reported case of Vaughan -v- Morgan, which would now be worth £3,030, was now “rather ancient” and of little assistance.


Marshall -v- East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service. Eastbourne County Court, 1 February 2006.



Victims of crime in Europe

If you suffer from a crime of violence in another country in the European Union then even though you may be employed in this country, or on premises owned by a company or body in this country, you will not be covered by the CICA scheme.


However there are Regulations known as the Victims of Violent Intentional Crime (Arrangements for Compensation) (European Communities) Regulations 2005 which appoint the CICA in Glasgow as the assisting authority required to assist potential applications who have been injured as a result of crimes of violence in another EU country to gain access to information about compensation in that country in which the injury occurred. However the injury must have occurred on or after 1July 2005; the injury occurred in an EU country other than the UK, the applicant is resident of the UK; the injury was sustained as a result of a crime of violence.


A US court has recently upheld a compensation award of $1,000,000 to a welder who developed Parkinsons disease caused by exposure to manganese in welding fumes. The defendant was the British company BOC Group. BOC’s website recently said that there were 8,574 claimants’ in manganese related cases where BOC was a defendant.


RSI cases

There is a database of RSI judgments on: www.nu-riskservices.co.uk/news


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