As part of our Spotlight On series to learn about the people behind the firm’s successes, we’ve spoken with Tony Mikhael to find out more about his life and what motivates him.
Tony is a senior solicitor in our medical negligence team in our Birmingham office. The 49-year-old was born in Beirut in Lebanon, emigrated to California in his teens and moved to the UK with his wife 25 years ago.
Let us know something about you:
I was four years old when the Lebanese civil war started in 1975. At the age of 13 and unable to speak English, I emigrated to California to live with my brother and continue my education. I began to learn English soon after and finished high school before going to college and then to University of California Los Angeles, where I graduated with a political sociology degree. While I was at university, I met my wife who was doing a nursing abroad programme.

Tony Mikhael, from our Birmingham office
Together, we took the decision to move to the UK in 1995. I began studying again and was awarded my Law Degree from Coventry University before embarking upon the Legal Practice Course (LPC) while working at Thompsons and was admitted as a solicitor in 2006.
What inspired you to go into law?
My brother had qualified as an attorney in the United States and I was inspired while working in my brother’s practice in California before coming to the UK.
I was mesmerised by the persuasiveness of lawyers in applying and interpreting the law to assist their clients’ plight. I was also impressed by the advocacy and negotiation skills, which are all part of a lawyer’s armoury.
What is your specialism?
Before I joined Thompsons, took on the LPC and qualified, I worked in the debt recovery department at a local firm of solicitors. I was always drawn to personal injury, hence my interest in Thompsons, and was involved in general litigation before I transferred to clinical negligence in 2014 and have never looked back.
What is your proudest moment with the firm so far?
By far it has to be the Ian Paterson litigation. Ian Paterson was a cancer surgeon who disfigured hundreds of women through unnecessary breast surgery. It took more than four years to conclude, but we secured a multi-million-pound recovery of damages in the group litigation which affected hundreds of people. There were three defendants to battle against and 620 clients to manage and prepare cases for, not to mention the constant media attention that the case attracted. It felt as though it was never going to end, but we persevered and got the result we wanted, much to our clients’ satisfaction.
What do you enjoy most about working at Thompsons?
My colleagues are absolute gems. Such a mixed bag of people from different backgrounds. Some have become friends outside of the office. I also enjoy the quality of the work and the open-door policy to speak with anyone in the firm, irrespective of status.
Tell us something surprising about you that most people don’t know?
During a high school tennis competition I played Michael Chang, who went on to become the youngest male Grand Slam champion. I returned one serve and took one point off him. I’ve never been so happy about losing 6-0.
Concerned about negligent medical treatment or diagnoses? Talk to us for advice and support today.
Our discreet and compassionate medical negligence solicitors are experienced in the full range of medical injury claims and will work with you to establish whether you have a medical negligence compensation claim.
If you, or a loved one, think you have suffered medical negligence, such as a birth injury (for example, a cerebral palsy diagnosis following a difficult birth), misdiagnosis (such as cancer misdiagnosis), or suffered negligence during an operation contact us for advice.
If the incident happened more than three years ago, you will usually not be able to make a claim for compensation. However, exceptions do apply – such as instances where you could not have reasonably known your symptoms were caused by clinical negligence, or cases involves adults who lack legal capacity or children – so contact us for advice.
For further information, visit our How to Make A Compensation Claim page.