Thompsons have offices Nationwide
Thompsons Solicitors, the largest specialist personal injury, employment rights and trade union law firm in the UK, has opened in Swansea with the opening of a new 'shop front' office in Castle Street.
With over 800 staff in 22 offices nationwide, including Cardiff and Bristol, Thompsons has been closely involved in the growth and development of the trade union movement for over 80 years, taking a direct role in helping unions to protect the interests of their members. Thompsons specialises in representing victims of occupational disease, particularly asbestos disease, and the increase in these cases was another reason why the firm decided to open its Swansea office in Castle Street.
Commenting, Joanna Stevens, Branch Manager of Thompsons in Swansea and Cardiff said, "Generally people find it easier just to walk in and have a chat about their particular circumstances. We can tell pretty quickly if they have a case to pursue and of course it's always better to meet people face to face. We have represented the interests of injured people in Swansea and West Wales out of our Cardiff office for over forty years and we are now looking forward to working closely with the local community."
The firm has won a number of high profile cases for clients in South Wales and in 2004 recovered around £35 million in damages for its clients. These include the case of Alison Dugmore who developed a life-threatening allergy to latex while working at Singleton and Morriston Hospitals in Swansea. Ms Dugmore was forced to give up nursing after she suffered a series of anaphylactic attacks as a result of using latex gloves coated with corn powder. She developed skin irritation and respiratory problems from the exposure and to this day has to carry an 'epi-pen' with her in case she unwittingly comes into contact with latex.
Thompsons Solicitors has strong and historic links with Trades Unions and has a national reputation for taking effective legal action to defend the interests of working people.